my first linux rice
So I use linux as my daily driver as you all know (strong optimism that anyone actually reads these stuffs) to be more specific Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy jellyfish).
Assuming you don't know what "rice" means, It's actually configuring/customizing your desktop and your softwares to be an eyecandy and ofcourse to make it as much efficient as possible but ofcourse we all know there's always the third reason "TO LOOK COOL"
One day while surfing through YouTube I came across a channel named "bugswriter" and lemme short it up pretty quick before him I was just an ordinary linux user but after I saw his videos I am in a path to be a "developer" of linux
Here's the nerd part/
So as I said before @bugswriter I was just using linux I even tried to customize my desktop and it was a simple gnome enviornment setup and it was actually not bad considering I had no clue what I was doing.
After some time when I came to know about TWM (Tiling window manager) I first tried DWM and damn it was a bad idea I tried to copy to GODS @LukeSmith and as you might have guessed failed miserably.It was good but I guess not for me.Am the dumbest.
So for a while I lost all hope and thought it was not for me and then after some time I saw another youtuber @makc and he was using AWM(Awesome Window Manager) and I thought to try that as I had nothing to loose and damn what a good decision it was.
After getting used to the shortcuts and settings of AWM I installed some other key Terminal based apps to make my setup cooler i.e
- Awesome Window manager(the best noob friendly WM out there)
- Neovim (the elitist text editor in the history,FUCK it.. it's an IDE and the best one)
- Zsh shell(it does everything that a bash does but better)
- Alacritty (a terminal emulator)
- Picom (a color scheme changer)
- lf (a terminal based file manager)
- Mpv (a video player)
- Polybar (an application launcher)
- Dmenu(an alternative application launcher )
- Nitrogen (a wallpaper setter)
- Cava (a music visualizer)
- Cmatrix (a matrix like vibe *i don't know what to call it)
- and some other script files that I got from the internet
- #mydotfiles
Here's my dream setup and it has all the shortcuts I need, and for now I can only say it's growing on my hands.
I literally can see why people say once you use a TWM you can never go back to normal desktop enviornments.
Hope I didn't bore you much.